Replacement Transmitter For Petsafe Standard & Stubborn Containment Fence Systems RF-1010
1 x $199.00
Working Dog Specialist and Queensland Field Days Exhibitor since 1996
Allows you to communicate with your dog the instant it is needed, even at a distance, by means of a static pulse that your dog is unlikely to ignore.
Keeping an animal steady for a procedure is especially difficult when you are a sole operator who needs to get the job done quickly, safely and efficiently.
An Anti-Bark collar can help reduce and prevent inappropriate barking by creating a change in the dog’s pattern of barking behaviour.
Our modern technology has refined dog training collars which are now small and lightweight, and offer a range of correction levels and safety features to enable you to train your dog efficiently while preserving his safety and well-being. The appropriate use of an electronic dog training collar can be used to address many problem behaviours.
All prices are in AUD. © Copyright 2025 Animal Training Systems.